The Safety Leadership Programme we offer is unique in New Zealand. Each programme is custom built to suit each clients individual needs. Programmes generally consist of assessments, training, coaching and self development. The programme focuses on the development of coaching beliefs (80%) and managing behaviours (20%), both in the students and skills for them to use with their teams.


The assessment used range from; safety culture, safety leadership, & safety traits. The majority of the assessment are done on line, however manually done assessment are available for some of the assessments.


Training is done in small session, mainly on-line and in the students own time and convenience, one module at a time. The completion of the training module is aligned with a coaching session.


Coaching is the heart of the programme. Leadership is essentially a relationship, so the best way to develop leadership is through developing learning in a relationship setting, that is what coaching is. Each student is coached through their development relative to their pace and situations at work. If a particular situation arises then specific training and coaching can be done for that situation. I many ways the progress is determined by the student. Coaching is primarily done at the work site face to face, but it can also be done office site, or via Skype, phone or email.


Students will be given self development tasks to complete. These tasks include; reading selected books on leadership, volunteering for specific activities – either within the company or out side of the company, and reporting progress to delegated senior management.